What happened to Mycroft AI?
Mycroft AI was discontinued and bought by a company named OVOS. Therefore, we won't use them for voice-related stuff anymore. Refer to a FAQ they made about the situation here.
許多電視製造商要求 HDMI-CEC 模式必須手動啟用,而您需要參閱您的電視的使用者說明來得知如何設定電視的 HDMI-CEC 選項。HDMI-CEC 選項不同製造商由不同名稱,舉例來說:(TCL TV:T-Link,Panasonic TV:Viera Link,Samsung TV:Anynet+,Sony TV:Bravia Sync)。
也請確保您的 Plasma 大螢幕裝置由 libcec 所支援,請見他們支援的硬體。
Some buttons on my TV remote are not working, I can’t exit an application or use the back button properly. How do I fix it?
HDMI-CEC on the beta image is in a testing phase. We have only been able to test the functionality on a few selected range of TV sets and have mapped TV remotes on the basis of those working devices. You can map and test your TV remote following a few simple steps of debugging and editing files listed below.
Test if the KEY is working with HDMI-CEC and extract it’s KEY CODE:
cd ~/.config./autostart-scripts/
python3 cec-daemon.py
Once the script is running, press the button on your TV remote to extract its KEY CODE, if no KEY CODE is found the KEY might not be part of HDMI-CEC controls enabled on your TV set, refer to the TV User Guide to know which keys are enabled under your TV manufacturers HDMI-CEC implementation.
Adding the found KEY CODE and mapping it in the CEC daemon:
cd ~/.config/autostart-scripts/
nano cec-daemon.py
- Locate KEYMAP = {} in the daemon script
- Add your KEY CODE in the following format to the list: “9: u.KEY_HOMEPAGE”
- In the above example “u.KEY_HOMEPAGE” is mapped to the home button that is used to exit an application
- “9” being the Key Code
- “u.KEY_HOMEPAGE” being the action the key should perform
I have a generic USB remote but it’s missing the home key, how do I exit applications?
Not all generic USB remotes are built alike, therefore we recommend using a tested product like the “Wechip G20 Air Mouse With Microphone Remote”. If in-case you are unable to get your hands on one, you can still map an existing key on the remote.
Mapping the window close button to a button on a USB remote:
cd ~/.config/
nano kglobalshortcutsrc
- Find the entry “Window Close” located under
- 將您的按鈕指派給「視窗關閉」條目
- Example:
Window Close=Alt+F4\t’YourButtonHere’,Alt+F4\t’YourButtonHere’,Close Window
How do I exit applications using a external keyboard?
“Alt+F4” is the general shortcut assigned to closing applications using a external keyboard. Custom keys can be assigned to the following file for various actions:
cd ~/.config/
nano kglobalshortcutsrc
How to contribute & upload your custom keymap for CEC?
Currently the development repository of the CEC daemon can be found at https://invent.kde.org/adityam/easycec with instructions on how to add a device with custom keymap.
Plasma 大螢幕上能夠使用 Android 應用程式嗎?
There are projects out there like Waydroid which is Android running inside a Linux container, and use the Linux kernel to execute applications to achieve near-native performance. This could be leveraged in the future to have Android apps running on top of a GNU/Linux system with the Plasma Bigscreen platform but it's a complicated task, and as of today (October 29, 2021) some distributions already support Waydroid and you can run Plasma Bigscreen on top of those distributions.
我可以在我的電視或機上盒上使用 Plasma 大螢幕嗎?
硬體支援不是由 Plasma 大螢幕所處理的,這要看各發行版支援哪些裝置。請見安裝頁面中關於提供 Plasma 大螢幕的發行版的資訊。
Plasma 大螢幕目前處於繁忙開發階段,還不適合用來日常使用。